Beyond Purposeful

Katia (Kat) Chaban - Volunteer

“In a search for purpose, I didn’t have to look any further than where I spend my time with Rochester Community Inclusive Rowing (RCIR), where I share my passion for rowing with people who…

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VolunteerKellie McTammany
Rowing Saved My Life

Jenn - Navy Veteran, Multiple Sclerosis

"Rowing saved my life. When I'm on the water, I'm one with the water. It's calming, soothing. I can get out my aggression by rowing fast and hard, or I can go easy and gentle. Meditate. Be at peace."

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RowerKellie McTammany
Peer Support, Comradery, Love and Friendship

Keith, “Doc” - Veteran

“I am a Veteran that was introduced to RCiR through CompeerCORPS. RCiR is an incredible organization that fully supports me in every aspect of my life, not only the physical aspects, but the mindfulness that sculling brings into my spiritualism and Buddhist practices. Here there is AMAZING peer support, comradery, love and friendship!”

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RowerKellie McTammany
Sculling Taught Me To Relax

Richard, “RJ” - Veteran

“…Sculling has taught me how to relax and to get out of myself. By developing trust in my mentors, Denny and Tim, I began a growth process that taught me it’s ok to be vulnerable (the catch), powerful (swing and leg drive) then relaxing as the fingers feather the blade and then relax (during the recovery). Vulnerability and relaxation are 2 new tools for me. These are tools that I can translate into life and are allowing me to succeed in many aspects of my life.”

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RowerKellie McTammany
Everybody Wants To Succeed

Andy - Master Rower, Loss of Limb

“I have to thank and express my appreciation for those who have made that effort to look past the limitations, or the disabilities, and to look at the potential - Everybody wants to succeed.”

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RowerKellie McTammany