So Pleased To Give Back
Gayle Stahl - Volunteer
“My Name is Gayle. Several years ago, I began rowing with a rowing club and fell in love with it immediately. I was 69 years old.
When RCiR started up, I started rowing with them. We welcome anyone with a handicap, whether it is physical or mental. It is hard to explain the thrill and satisfaction I receive each and every time we go out on the water. We see these folks come to us apprehensive and shy and cautious. We see them transformed in a very short time to confident and relaxed rowers. The beauty and peacefulness and mesmerizing affect that the rhythm and camaraderie have on our new friends is hard to explain.
As a volunteer I am amazed that giving in this sport to others is so satisfying. We volunteers all receive much more than we give. What is better than cruising down the river or canal and seeing herons take flight or a mother duck guiding her ducklings out of our way or simply swimming along side of us.
We have helped so many vets who have come to us fractured in one way or another. Being the wife a veteran I am so pleased to give back to these brave Americans.
Recently I had knee replacement surgery on both knees. I am now in rehab rowing in the indoor rowing facility. So now I am on the receiving end of this wonderful club. I am now 81 years old and rowing has kept me strong. Thank you for letting share my experience with you.“